

Alaskan Sockeye Red 大马哈鱼- Salted 7.5 oz.

(12 顾客评论)



Sockeye 大马哈鱼 is exceptionally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, 特别是EPA和DHA, 哪些是通过减少炎症来维持心脏健康的关键因素, 降低血压, and decreasing risk factors for disease. It’s a high-quality protein source (approx. 46 grams of protein per can!),有助于修复组织、保护骨骼健康和维持肌肉质量.

Sockeye is packed with essential vitamins and minerals, and is an excellent source of several B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, 和B12), which are necessary for energy production, 控制炎症, and protecting heart and brain health. Also a good source of vitamin D, crucial for bone health and immune function, 和硒, important for thyroid and hormonal health. Sockeye 大马哈鱼 also contains astaxanthin, 一种强大的抗氧化剂,赋予鱼独特的红色. 虾青素可以改善血管的弹性,从而降低患心脏病的风险, 减少炎症, and combating oxidative stress.

水银含量很低, making it a safe choice for regular consumption, especially for pregnant women, 母乳喂养的母亲, 和孩子.

选择野生阿拉斯加红鲑鱼,不仅有利于健康饮食,还能促进可持续的捕鱼方式. 阿拉斯加的渔业管理良好,以确保鲑鱼种群和它们的自然栖息地的长期健康.

A Natural Source of Nutrition

Our 阿拉斯加红鲑鱼 is packed with skin and bones, 完全煮熟在自己的天然果汁锁定风味和营养. 这种方法不仅保留了重要的Omega-3脂肪酸,而且还提供了钙的天然来源.

Ingredients: Wild 阿拉斯加红鲑鱼, sea salt.
No water, oil 或防腐剂 are added. 富含皮肤和骨头(完全煮熟),是钙的天然来源.

只煮一次在自己的天然果汁,以保存重要的欧米茄3和营养. The liquid in the can is the pure fish oil.

MSC认证 and packed in non-BPA cans.

一箱是24罐. 一半是12罐.


Save $6 when you buy a case (24 cans)

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12条评论 Alaskan Sockeye Red 大马哈鱼- Salted 7.5 oz.

  1. 希瑟Tyreman

    俄勒冈选择的所有产品都是美味的产品. I often open a can over a bed of chopped lettuce for lunch.

  2. 朗达·伯杰

    我喜欢这个三文鱼. 没有什么能比得上! I wouldn’t eat any other brand. I love the skin + give the bones to my dog. 用自己的汁液煮. What more could you ask for? Right out of the can or with some Veganaise. 嗯!

  3. 丽莎•卡伦

    Love Oregon’s Choice tuna and this 大马哈鱼 is great 太!

  4. piggterry

    We enjoyed the sockeye very much. 我对收到的所有产品都非常满意!

  5. 罗伯特·曼

    我从世界杯在哪里买球买金枪鱼已经超过15年了. Until recently I was buying a name brand Sockeye 大马哈鱼, but decided to try Oregon’s Choice to see if it was better. Without a doubt it is far superior. I love it straight out of the can.

  6. 罗伯特。戴维斯

    Oregons Choice is THE BEST canned fish We’ve ever eaten.得到这么好的鱼的唯一方法是使用新鲜的优质鱼! I recommend Oregon’s Choice to anyone!


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